韩国英文名(South Korea: Introduction, Economy, Administrative Divisions, and Tourism)
South Korea, officially known as the Republic of Korea, abbreviated as ROK, is located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula in East Asia. Covering an area of approximately 100,000 square kilometers, which represents 45% of the peninsula's total area, South Korea has a population of approximately 51.45 million people, mainly composed of Korean ethnicity and speaking the Korean language. The capital of South Korea is Seoul.
South Korea is a developed capitalist country and one of the founding members of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the East Asia Summit. It is also a member of significant international organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Group of Twenty (G20), and the United Nations (UN). The country's economy has entered a moderate growth phase after the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Its manufacturing and service industries, including semiconductors, electronics, automobiles, shipbuilding, steel, chemicals, machinery, and cosmetics, have achieved remarkable global production volumes, ranking in the world's top 10.
South Korea has a complex administrative structure divided into 1 special city, Seoul, 2 special autonomous cities, Sejong and Jeju, 8 provinces or do's, including Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungcheongbuk, Chungcheongnam, Jeollabuk, Jeollanam, Gyeongsangbuk, and Gyeongsangnam, and 6 metropolitan cities, such as Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Daejeon, and Ulsan.
Tourism is a vital industry in South Korea, and the government has identified it as a strategic industry and has worked actively to develop it. Efforts include promoting the "Korean Wave" culture, simplifying immigration procedures, enhancing domestic tourism markets, improving tourism infrastructure facilities, and upgrading related services to attract foreign visitors. According to South Korean government statistics, the number of foreign travelers visiting South Korea reached a historic high of nearly 17.2 million in 2016, of which Chinese tourists accounted for about 8.04 million. However, the number of foreign visitors decreased by 22.7% to 13.34 million in 2017.
In summary, South Korea is a developed country with significant influence in East Asia and a well-developed industrial sector. It boasts a complex administrative system, which is divided into 17 regions, and the tourism industry plays a vital role in the country's economy.
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