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空乘学习学习英语的5大原则(中英双语) 1、熟练原则:这是最根本的一条原则,想想我们的母语你就会明白,我们从小并未特意学习,却能进行自由的交流,靠的就是不断的听别人说和模仿而自然获得的一种技能,这种技能已经深深扎根于我们的大脑之中,成为我们的天性,因此对于母语我们不需太多的学习,不需刻意去听就能听的懂,不用分析就能明白那些高难的句子,就是因为母语已经成为我们的一种习惯,可以即听即懂,可以随意发挥,随心所欲。对于学习外语也同样是这样,需要把陌生的单词、片语和句型不断的熟悉和熟练,使之成为我们的一种习惯,把她变成我们的第二天性,这样你就可以比较自由的驾驭一门外语了。因此,熟练熟练再熟练是掌握一门外语的不二法门。 2、基础原则:英语中最基础的部分也是应用最广泛最频繁的部分,据统计,基本的500词就占词汇用量的82.05%,3500 词占98.30%,5500词汇占 99.33% 6000词汇占 99.46%。从以上数据可以看出,越基本的词汇使用频率越高,六千词后的所占的比列越来越低,这也是为什么许多人初期学英语感觉进步快,后期则感觉不出有太大进步的一个原因。同时基本的语法也是我们在日常交流中使用最频繁的部分,因此熟练地掌握这些基本的英语词汇和基本的英语语法是学习英语的出发点。 3、精泛结合:精读主要是解决入门和提高阶段的问题,而且效果卓著,但到了英语学习的后期阶段,一味精读往往会适得其反而收效甚微。正如基础原则所说,五六千词后的所占的比列越来越低,这也是为什么许多人初期学英语感觉进步快,后期则感觉不出有太大进步的一个原因。解决的方法就是要加大泛听泛读的力度,争取尽快突破瓶颈。另一方面,想一下我们的母语你就会明白,我们读了那么多的小说报纸,看了大量的电影电视,才达到现在能够对母语运用自如的境界。母语尚且如此,何况外语。想象我们大多数人从小到大学了十几年英文了,其实大部分人只不过是分别学到了一些支离破碎的东西,但真正的能够将他们联系到一起的能力我们并未学到。因为仅靠课本上有限的几篇文章是永远也不可能看到一门语言的全貌,不可能将语言的各个元素熟练到能够轻易的联系到一起,更谈不上语言的应用了。 4、量变引起质变:量变引起质变。这条物理定律应用到语言学习上再合适也不过了。可以这样说,没有上千小时的听英语的经历,没有读过三五十本英文的原版小说,你的英语是永远也不会进入自由王国的。你的英文能不能成功和进步,关键在于你的听说读写的分量够不够,听说读写的分量累积的够,半年一年两年下来,你的英文就是不同凡响。如果分量不够的话,那五年十年下来,你的英文还是一直怨叹我的生字,文法,语音⋯ 。目前国内英语教育重精读、精听而轻泛读、泛听,不注重英语听读的量,这是导致大部分学生英语学习十年后,依然不能进行有效交流的根本原因。 5、应用至上:语言学习的目的就在于运用,语言通过运用又得以提高。语言学习后不将他放回到活生生的真实环境中,你是不会体验到学习一门语言的乐趣的。得不到运用的语言意味着终究会被遗忘。避免背了忘,忘了又背这种尴尬局面的最好方法就是不断使用你所学的单词、词组和句型。通过大量看你喜欢的英语电影电视剧,英文原版小说报刊杂志,你的词汇量和英语水平会在不知不觉当中得以提高。即避免单纯学习语言所带来的枯燥感,又能使英语水平得以提高,何乐而不为呢? 1, skilled principle: it is a the most essential principles, we think you will understand the language, we have not had to learn, but can freely exchange, by is constantly listening to others and imitating natural access to a skill, this technology has deeply rooted in our brains, become our nature, so we don‘t need too much for language learning, there is no need to go to can understand, no analysis can understand the difficult sentences, because language is a habit, can listen to understand, can be free to play, free. In learning a foreign language is also so, need to put the new words, phrases and sentences the familiar and skilled, make it a habit, had become our second nature, so you can be relatively free master a foreign language. Therefore, skilled skilled and skilled to master a foreign language is the only proper course to take. 2 basic principles: in English, the most basic part is the most widely used most frequently in the part, according to statistics, basic 500 word vocabulary amount accounted for 82.05%, 3500 98.30%, 5500 99.33% 6000 99.46% vocabulary vocabulary. Can be seen from the above data, the basic vocabulary of high frequency of use, six thousand words after the ratio is lower and lower, which is why many early English feel progress quickly, the latter feel not too much progress as a reason. At the same time the basic grammar is also in our daily communication in the use of the most frequent part, so skillfully master the basic English vocabulary and basic grammar is the starting point of learning english. 3, combining intensive and extensive: intensive reading is mainly to solve the problem and improve the entry phase, and the effect is outstanding, but by the late stage of English learning, a reading will often run counter to one’s desire and unrewarding. As the basic principle of say, five thousand or six thousand words after the ratio is lower and lower, which is why many early English feel progress quickly, the latter feel not too much progress as a reason. The solution is to increase the strength of listening reading, for as soon as possible to break the bottleneck. On the other hand, think about our mother tongue you will understand, we read too many novels newspapers, watching a lot of movies and television, now able to handle very skillfully to reach the native state. Native like this, foreign. Imagine our most people from childhood to the University for more than ten years English, in fact most people just be reduced to fragments were learned some things, but really can bring them together we did not learn. Because only a limited number of textbooks on the article is never likely to see a picture of the language, will not be the language elements familiar to the can easily relate to, not to mention the language application. 4, from quantitative change to qualitative change: from quantitative change to qualitative change. The laws of physics are applied to language learning but also the appropriate. It can be said, not thousands of hours of listening experience, not read 349 the English original fiction, your English will never enter the realm of freedom. Your English will be successful and progress, the key is you hear read write component is enough, I heard that reading and writing component accumulates enough, half a year down two years, your English is to be not of the common sort. If the component is not enough, then five years ten years down, your English still complain of my vocabulary, grammar, phonetics. At present the domestic English education in intensive reading, listening and light weight reading, listening, do not pay attention to English reading and listening volume, which is the result of the majority of students learning English ten years later, still cannot communicate effectively root cause. Application: 5, the supremacy of the purpose of language learning is to use the language, through the use of it can be improved. Language learning is not put him back to live in the real environment, you are not to experience the fun of learning a foreign language. Do not use language means that will eventually be forgotten. To avoid back to forget, forget the back of this embarrassing situation is the best way to continue using your words, phrases and sentences. Through a large number of see you like English movies and TV plays, English novels, newspapers and magazines, your vocabulary and English level will be improved imperceptibly. Namely, avoid simple learning language brought about the dullness, and can make the English level is able to rise, what is there against it?,空乘面试英语:基本句型表达,空乘练好英语发音的10个窍门,西安外国语大学国际学院航空服务及高铁、邮轮乘务类专业招生简章,黑龙江工业学院国际乘务培训中心航空服务及乘务类专业招生简章,浙江海洋大学继续教育学院航空服务职业教育招生简章,华东交通大学继续教育学院航空服务管理专业招生简章,中国传媒大学南广学院继续教育学院国际航空服务项目招生简章,天津天狮学院继续教育学院航空空乘专业招生简章,太原理工大学继续教育学院航空空乘专业招生简章,北京工商大学嘉华学院航空空乘高铁专业招生简章,大连海事大学继续教育学院航空服务职业教育招生简章,空乘专业有成绩要求吗?,在开设空乘专业的学校中,大部分都是独立招生的,因此很多同学就想知道空乘专业有成绩要求吗?想要......,学空乘专业的条件费用有哪些?,因为空乘专业的特殊性,所以在学费上是要比普通专业高一些的,其中就包含了各种条件费用,那么你都......,身高180的女生超标么?可以报空乘专业吗?,大家都知道报名空乘专业是要进行面试的,如果你的身高不符合标准是不能被录取的,那么有些女生身高......,空乘专业学历要求高吗?,很多年龄比较小的初高中生们也想报名空乘专业,一些家长就咨询小编空乘专业学历要求高吗?会不会不......,空乘专业要考哪些证书?,对于空乘专业这种技能型专业,有相关的证书在以后就业上是很有优势的,而且学生在校期间时间也比较......,成绩不好能考入空乘专业吗?,一些高考成绩不是很理想的考生比较担心自己的分数低,没有办法考入空乘专业,比较担心,小编想告诉......,女生学空乘专业好么?,有些专业男女生学习的差距是很大的,随着航空事业快速发展,空乘专业逐渐成为了高薪热门专业之一,......,空乘专业可以获得哪些证书?,毕业证书学历证书这些都是代表一个学生学习成果的展示,很多报考空乘专业的同学就想了解一下空乘专......,报考空乘类专业需要什么条件?,空乘类专业因为比较特殊,所以在招生上有一些限制条件,那么想要报考空乘专业,需要什么条件,小编......,身高不够能报考航空空乘专业吗?,航空空乘专业在招生时候是有身高要求的,很多想学航空空乘专业的同学,看了身高要求后就选择了放弃......,为什么空乘专业要求那么多呢?,想要报考空乘专业招生院校的同学都有一些了解,空乘专业的招生要求还是很多的。那么为什么空乘专业......,空少是不是必须学空乘专业?,现在不仅很多女生的梦想是当空姐,也有很多男生梦想当空少,那么当空少是不是必须学空乘专业?小编...... http://www.16ik.com/?28322.html 空乘专业空乘学习英语的5大原则(中英双语)航空学校 高考专业